What will happen before my first visit?

To ensure that you receive a massage treatment to suit you, a consultation will be given prior to your first treatment. This will involve a medical questionnaire and short discussion of which details will remain confidential and used only in relation to your treatment.

What will happen during my first visit?

The treatment will take place in a private therapy room. Although you may need to remove most clothing for a back, shoulder or leg treatment, your underwear stays on. Whilst you undress, I will leave the room and wait for you to cover yourself with a large towel before re-entering. You will be covered with a towel throughout the massage, with only the area being worked on left uncovered.

Once the treatment has ended, you will be allowed time to wake up fully. I will leave the room whilst you dress, before offering you aftercare advice to maximise the positive effects of the massage.

Will I be in any pain during the treatment?

This depends on the type of massage and pressure applied but generally you will feel comfortably relaxed during the massage. Deep Tissue can leave you feeling slightly sore, but this should not last longer than a couple of days before you are feeling much better. Be mindful of how much discomfort you feel during the treatment. If it is not a good pain where you can feel a release, then it is important to let me know so I can treat the area with care.

How often should I get a massage?

If you are simply looking for relaxation, then a fortnightly or monthly session may be all you need. If you wish to address a specific condition, it is recommended to visit more frequently until your goals are met, and a maintenance plan is put into place. I will be able to advise how often once I have a hands-on understanding of your concerns.

Can I talk during my session?

Yes, you can. Some people like to talk whereas others prefer to switch off and let their minds float free. To gain the full relaxation experience, it is beneficial to embrace the quiet, and allow your body and mind to enter deep tranquil states of mind. Please do speak up if you have any concerns during the treatment such as discomfort, or if you are feeling cold, so that I can ensure you are comfortable.

How will I feel after the massage?

Directly after the massage it is normal to feel thirsty, and in need of the toilet. This is due to stimulation of the lymphatic system so drink plenty of water. I recommend drinking an extra one or two glasses in addition to your normal intake. Side effects such as a minor headache or fatigue may occur, but normally disappear within twenty-four hours so do not worry. Massage helps to reduce stress levels, and releases happy hormones such as dopamine, so you may feel rejuvenated, calm and re-energised. If you have been carrying a lot of emotional baggage, you may even feel a little emotional like you want to cry. This is a natural release and is good for you. Take it easy for the rest of the day if you can, to promote wellbeing. A good night’s sleep will encourage a sense of renewal the following day which may last up to a week.

How do I pay for the treatment?

I accept either cash or card payment.